Balancing Dreams and Hobbies
Working hard for your dream isn’t easy. I’m not talking about the amount of time you have to invest or the progress you have to make each year. I’m talking about happiness at its finest. What makes you happy?
What is one thing that gives you complete satisfaction? Aside from tennis, shopping brings me great joy. I enjoy shopping online and in stores. I also like to eat out. Fine dining is my thing. I love movies and arcades too. I, Akilah James, enjoy buying an outfit, wearing it and then moving on with my life.
I don’t know if I’m growing up or what, but in college, I did whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. Money was NOT an issue. I had a great college life. I rented cars frequently. I took myself on a date every week. It was me, myself, and I. Date Night for me was me buying a gown to eat at an exquisite restaurant. Then I’d walk around the city enjoying myself and then go to the supermarket to get my famous apple pie ☺. I thoroughly enjoyed my college years. However, I feel like most of my investments go strictly to tennis now. Any money I get or any time I get, I’m always giving it to tennis. I love tennis, but what about my other desires?
When you’re chasing your dream, how often do you spend time with your friends or family or take a walk to nowhere? Are you just waking up in the morning working, eating, pooping, sleeping, and doing it all over again? Do you want life to be repetitive each day or do you want to enjoy life and accomplish your dream? The critic in me would say did my faith decrease? Did I stop believing God for help with everything? Did I let the cares of this world get to me? The other person in me would say am I growing up? Am I now actually investing in myself and because sometimes you have and other times you don’t, it gets tough? Either way, I need to take action. I might not be able to do the same things I did in college because I didn’t have to fight for what I wanted in a college. My only job was to enjoy college and get a good education and play good tennis. I didn’t have to play professional tennis and think about my moves. I didn't have to fund my tennis. Why can't I do both?
Dreams and Shopping.
Dreams and Family.
Dreams and Friends.
Dreams and Movies.
Dreams and Arcades.
Dreams and Cars.
Dreams and Houses.
Dreams and boyfriends.
Dreams and girlfriends.
We can do both! I can work on my dream 100% of the time, but not wait till I’m exhausted, stressed out, and ready to faint to do fun things in my time. Balance is important. You have to be able to balance your dream and your hobby.
What are you guys trying to balance along with your dream?