Akilah James

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Sick and Tired of being Sick and Tired

Have you ever been sick and tired? Sick and tired of your situation. Have you ever been frustrated with where you are in life? Your progression?

In my last match, I lost on dusty green clay like surface. With all the sliding left and right, I couldn’t get my bearings. I was grunting passionately for every point because I wanted to win that badly. Sweat was running down my forehead quickly. My hands and face were dripping salty wet. Nevertheless, I assumed the ready position and bounced around as a boxer would.

I was down 1-5 in the first set and came back 5-5. I was up 30-15, but I lost it. Before I could think, I was down 4-6 2-6. I marched off the tennis court. Today I was livid. I am usually a very upbeat and smiley person, but not today. I was upset because I know I could do it. I know I could have played much better at some point. I practice hard! I have faith! Why did I lose in 2 sets? What happened? Where was my focus?

What did I lack today? I lacked patience. I was down 1-5 and came back to make it 5-5. I had opportunities. I needed grit. Perhaps even a serve and volley game. My mind is going so fast. The truth is I only see the loss.

I have another match tomorrow. All I can see is a w tomorrow! I can see the win. I can feel it.

But then reality kicked in.

I was serving terribly. I was ready to kill it! It seemed like a shocker that I couldn’t get myself together. Maybe I was thinking ahead. My partner even lost faith in me. We were lost. They say two minds are better than one, but no brains were at work here. But I knew if I stayed positive even though I never held serve or hit a decent forehand that something would change. I knew if I told myself I’m going to be fearlessly me, I would change. And I did. It took one service game for me to hold. It took a tiebreaker for me to serve the hardest serves of my life and win them both! It took never-wavering confidence in my Lord. I believed that I could tell myself what I wanted to see.

It took me getting sick and tired of my situation and changing it. Can you do the same?