Are you frustrated with outside forces?

Are you still getting frustrated with external forces you can’t control?


I don’t have bad experiences a lot. With me, it’s a vibe start to finish.

A lot of people don’t like to travel because of all the unexpected changes. I usually don’t get to the airport 3 hours before as well. One hour is more than enough time to get to the airport for me. I had a two legged flight. The first part was delayed and caused me to miss my second flight. My problem is the customer service of the flight attendants. Not all are the same, but some are terrible. Some will try to help you lose your mind.

I don’t want to call the first attendant a bad one, but she was not helpful in any way. Persistence is the key to bad attitudes. Depending on the reason for the delay, the more answers you will get. If you can’t miss your flight and there are other options, explore them on your beautiful overused communicational device (cell phone) that you’re probably on right now. Get working. It’s not right that you have to do it, but everyone isn’t going to be as helpful as you need them to be.

Anger takes up time. It’s time wasted with no results. Find your solutions first and be angry later. Don’t be intimidated by a manager or a different color shirt. Ask all the questions you need to. If you decide to let your anger get the best of you, you will miss the flight and possibly not be able to get on another one until 1-2 days.

If you want to make the flight everything in your mind has to be positive. Prayers won’t hurt or smiles or many many actions of love. You know how you beat ill people by giving them, love. Show nothing, but love. Don’t have bad confessions and certainly don’t keep the bad energy. Don’t speak these words or even think these thoughts. I’d say have faith, but if you don’t even know what it means to have faith. Start with just reciting something good.

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